These DIY Wall Decoration Ideas Are Easy

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diy wall decoration ideas

DIY wall decoration refers to the practice of creating and designing artwork or decorative elements to adorn the walls of a space using materials and techniques that are typically accessible and affordable for individuals to do themselves. There are a lot of DIY wall decoration ideas you can find out.

Easy DIY Wall Decoration Ideas

If you are looking for wall decoration ideas that you can make by yourself, the following ideas of do-it-yourself wall decorations can be a good consideration. These DIY projects area easy to do.

Gallery Wall

One example of a DIY wall decoration project is creating a gallery wall. Here’s how you can do it:

Materials needed:

  • Picture frames of various sizes and styles (you can use old frames or purchase inexpensive ones)
  • Artwork, photographs, prints, or other decorative items to frame
  • Hammer and nails or picture hanging strips
  • Level
  • Pencil
  • Optional: painter’s tape, paper, and scissors (for planning)


  • Plan your layout: Before hanging anything on the wall, lay out your frames and artwork on the floor to determine the arrangement you like best. You can also use painter’s tape to mark the outlines of where each frame will go on the wall.
  • Prepare your frames: If you’re using old frames, you may want to paint or refinish them to match your desired aesthetic. Make sure all frames are clean and have hanging hardware attached.
  • Hang your frames: Using a pencil and level, lightly mark where each frame will hang on the wall. Then, either hammer nails into the wall or use picture hanging strips according to the weight of your frames. Make sure to hang each frame securely and level.
  • Insert your artwork: Place your artwork or decorative items into the frames and secure them in place.
  • Adjust as needed: Step back and take a look at your gallery wall. Make any adjustments to the arrangement or spacing of the frames until you’re satisfied with the overall look.
  • Enjoy your gallery wall: Once everything is hung and arranged to your liking, step back and admire your DIY gallery wall! This personalized display adds visual interest and personality to any room.

Remember, the beauty of a gallery wall is that it can be completely customizable to your tastes and style preferences, so feel free to get creative with the frames, artwork, and arrangement.

Woven Wall Hanging

Another example of a DIY wall decoration project is creating a woven wall hanging. Here’s how you can do it:

Materials needed:

  • Wooden dowel or branch for hanging (you can find these at a craft store or use one from nature)
  • Yarn or wool in various colors and textures
  • Scissors
  • Tapestry needle or large-eye needle
  • Optional: beads, feathers, or other embellishments


  • Prepare your hanging base: If you’re using a wooden dowel, cut it to your desired width using scissors or a saw. Alternatively, if you’re using a branch, you can leave it as is or trim it to your preferred size.
  • Create the warp: Cut several pieces of yarn or wool, each about twice the length of your hanging base. Tie one end of each piece to the dowel or branch, spacing them evenly apart. These will be the vertical strands of your weaving, known as the warp.
  • Start weaving: Cut a piece of yarn or wool to use as your weft, which will be woven horizontally through the warp strands. Tie one end of the weft yarn to the dowel or branch, leaving a tail to hang down. Begin weaving over and under the warp strands, alternating with each row.
  • Add color and texture: As you weave, experiment with different colors and textures of yarn to create patterns and designs. You can also incorporate beads, feathers, or other embellishments by threading them onto the yarn before weaving them into your design.
  • Continue weaving: Keep weaving until your wall hanging reaches your desired length. You can vary the density of your weaving to create different effects, such as fringe at the bottom or a tighter, more solid design.
  • Finish the ends: Once you’ve finished weaving, tie off the ends of the yarn securely to the dowel or branch. You can trim any excess yarn to create a neat, finished edge.
  • Hang your wall hanging: Use a piece of yarn or twine to create a loop for hanging at the top of your wall hanging. Then, simply hang it on a nail or hook on the wall and adjust as needed.
  • Enjoy your woven wall hanging: Step back and admire your handiwork! Your DIY woven wall hanging adds texture, color, and a touch of bohemian charm to any space.

This project allows for a lot of creativity and experimentation, so feel free to play around with different weaving techniques and materials to create a one-of-a-kind wall decoration.

Geometric Wall Mural

Here’s another example of DIY wall decoration ideas: creating a geometric wall mural using painter’s tape and paint.

Materials needed:

  • Painter’s tape (preferably in different widths)
  • Paint in various colors
  • Paintbrushes
  • Drop cloth or newspaper to protect the floor
  • Level
  • Pencil
  • Optional: stencils or templates for geometric shapes


  • Prepare your wall: Clean the wall surface to ensure it’s free of dust and debris. Lay down a drop cloth or newspaper to protect the floor from paint spills.
  • Plan your design: Use a pencil and level to lightly sketch out your geometric design directly onto the wall. You can create patterns with squares, triangles, hexagons, or any other geometric shapes you like. Alternatively, you can use stencils or templates to trace out your shapes for a more precise design.
  • Apply painter’s tape: Once you’ve mapped out your design, use painter’s tape to outline each shape on the wall. Press the edges of the tape firmly to ensure clean lines.
  • Paint your shapes: Using paintbrushes, fill in each shape with your chosen paint colors. You can paint each shape a solid color, create ombre effects, or use multiple colors within a single shape for added visual interest. Be careful not to paint over the edges of the painter’s tape.
  • Allow the paint to dry: Once you’ve finished painting, allow the paint to dry completely before removing the painter’s tape. This will help prevent smudging or bleeding of the paint.
  • Remove the painter’s tape: Carefully peel away the painter’s tape to reveal your crisp, clean geometric shapes. If any paint has bled under the tape, you can touch it up with a small brush and some extra paint.
  • Touch up as needed: Once the paint is fully dry, step back and assess your wall mural. Touch up any areas that need it, and make any final adjustments to ensure your design looks just right.
  • Enjoy your geometric wall mural: Your DIY wall decoration is now complete! Step back and admire your handiwork, and enjoy the modern, stylish look it adds to your space.

This project allows you to get creative with colors, shapes, and patterns, and it’s a great way to add a bold statement to any room in your home.

Botanical Wall Art

Here’s another DIY wall decoration project: creating a botanical wall art using pressed flowers.

Materials needed:

  • Fresh flowers or foliage
  • Heavy books or a flower press
  • Acid-free paper or parchment paper
  • Picture frames or canvas
  • Adhesive (such as glue or double-sided tape)
  • Optional: clear varnish or Mod Podge


  • Select and prepare your flowers: Choose fresh flowers or foliage with flat petals or leaves. Trim any excess stems or leaves, leaving just the blooms or foliage.
  • Press your flowers: Place the flowers between sheets of acid-free paper or parchment paper, making sure they are not overlapping. Carefully place the paper between the pages of a heavy book or within a flower press. Apply pressure by stacking more books or tightening the flower press, and leave the flowers to press for about 1-2 weeks until they are completely dry.
  • Arrange your pressed flowers: Once your flowers are dry, carefully remove them from the paper. Arrange them on a piece of paper or directly onto your canvas or picture frame to plan your design.
  • Secure the flowers: Once you’re happy with the arrangement, use adhesive (such as glue or double-sided tape) to secure the pressed flowers onto your canvas or within the picture frame. Press down gently to ensure they are securely attached.
  • Optional: Seal the artwork: If desired, you can protect your botanical wall art by applying a clear varnish or Mod Podge over the pressed flowers. This will help preserve the flowers and prevent them from fading over time.
  • Hang or display your artwork: Once the adhesive or sealant has dried completely, your botanical wall art is ready to be hung or displayed. Choose a prominent spot on your wall to showcase your beautiful handmade creation.

This project allows you to create unique and personalized wall art using the natural beauty of pressed flowers. It’s a lovely way to bring a touch of nature into your home and add a pop of color to your walls.

Wall Hanging with A Dip-Dye Effect

Here’s another DIY wall decoration ideas to try: creating a fabric wall hanging with a dip-dye effect.

Materials needed:

  • Fabric (such as cotton or linen) in a neutral color
  • Fabric dye in your choice of colors
  • Large bucket or basin
  • Water
  • Salt (if using certain types of fabric dye)
  • Wooden dowel or curtain rod for hanging
  • Rope or twine
  • Scissors
  • Optional: gloves, protective covering for work surface


  • Prepare your fabric: Cut your fabric to your desired size, making sure it’s large enough to create a statement on your wall. If necessary, hem the edges of the fabric to prevent fraying.
  • Mix the dye: Follow the instructions on the fabric dye packaging to mix the dye with water in a large bucket or basin. Add salt if required by the dye instructions, as this can help the dye adhere to the fabric.
  • Dip-dye the fabric: Dip one end of the fabric into the dye bath, holding it in place for a few moments to allow the dye to saturate the fabric. Slowly lift the fabric out of the dye bath, allowing the excess dye to drip off. Depending on the desired effect, you can dip the fabric completely for a uniform color or partially for a gradient effect. You can also experiment with dipping different sections of the fabric into different colors of dye.
  • Rinse and dry the fabric: Once you’re happy with the color, rinse the dyed fabric under cold water until the water runs clear. Hang the fabric to dry completely.
  • Attach the fabric to the dowel or rod: Once the fabric is dry, fold over the top edge of the fabric and secure it to the dowel or curtain rod using rope or twine. Make sure the fabric is evenly distributed along the length of the dowel.
  • Hang your wall hanging: Use a hook or nail to hang the dowel or curtain rod on the wall, adjusting the placement as needed.
  • Optional: Embellish your wall hanging with additional decorations such as tassels, beads, or embroidery for added visual interest.

This project allows you to create a unique and eye-catching piece of wall art using fabric and dye. The dip-dye effect adds depth and dimension to the fabric, making it a stunning focal point for any room in your home. There are of course other DIY wall decoration ideas you can find out and try.

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